Jacopo Mandich (Roma 1979)
Laureato in scultura presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di
Roma nel 2005. Nel 2006 vince il premio Edgardo Mannucci.
Nel 2015 frequenta i corsi biennali di specializzazione all'
Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino e di Torino. Nel 2018
frequenta il Master di scultura alla Burg Giebichenstein
Kunsthochschule Halle University of Art and Design in Halle,
2019 Something, insitu installation, Contemporary Cluster,
Rome, curated by Giacomo Guidi
2019 Forze invisibili, insitu installation, Faber art
gallery, Rome, curated by Cristian Porretta
2018 Resilienze Avverse, Onart gallery, Firenze, curated by
Romina Sangiovanni
2018 Senses, insitu installation, Evvivenoe art gallery,
Torino, curated by Sara Merlino
2016 Antinomie, insitu installation, Faber art gallery, Rome,
curated by Cristian Porretta
2016 Revelations, participatory installation, Varsi gallery,
Rome, curated by Chiara Pietropaoli
2014 Cosmogonie,Varsi gallery, Rome, curated by Marta
2011 Erosion of the Times, gallery Love and Dissent, Rome,
edited by Xilef Welner
2006 Synergies, Museum E.Manucci, Arcevia, curated by G.
2019 HUG 0.3 Mabos, Museo d'arte del Bosco della Sila,
Catanzaro, Italy, curated by Yulia Shchepeleva
2019 CRACK, Satka, Russia, curated by Found Sobraine
2017 Invisible Forces 0.8 Void, Castelsardo, Sardegna, Italy
2019 LandLandLand Museo della Ceramica, Mondovì, italy,
curated by Bastione S Maurizio
2018 Young at Heart Old on the Skin, palazzo Lucarini,
Trevi, curated by FrankoB
2017 Atto primo, Apotema-Bastione, Bastione S Maurizio,
Torino, Italy, curated by Bastion S Maurizio
2015 Skin of Celestial Body, Satka, Russia2013 untitled
M.A.AM museum, Roma, Italy
2012 The island of self, waterfront, Ostia, Italy
2012 DEZIN IN, Paris, curated by Nezha Kandoussi, Clemence
2010 Pomodoro Foundation, TAM , Pietrarubbia, curated by
Jaqueline Ceresoli
2009 People and places, The Architect’s Gallery, curated by
Architect’s Gallery London
2009 Warnings Artistic, Museum of the Imperial Forums, Rome,
organized by the Ministry of Heritage and Culture
2019 #Atelier4, Macro Asilo, museo Macro, Roma, Italy ,
curated by Giogio de Finis
2019 Contactless Mabos, Museo d'arte del Bosco della Sila,
Catanzaro, italy, curated by Yulia Shchepeleva
2017 intensive workshop performance, with the Artist FrankoB,
time space nothing, Belgrade
2015 Ural Indsurtial Biennal of Contemporary Art
2014 intensive workshop performance, with the Artist Yahn
Marussich, Youbiquity project, Macerata
2014 ITALIAN-EAST, Ashram Jotinat, Corinaldo, edited by
Fulvio Chimento
2010 TAM, artistic treatment of metals, the Regional
Training Centre of Excellence, by A.Pomodoro
